
Sunday, September 24, 2006

A nice strong finish = mission accomplished

Medal and paceband
Originally uploaded by yumkerun.
Full race report to come, but here are the key stats while I go shower and get some grub with Jelly, who ran her first half mary and was smiling the last 300 metres when i waved her in!

My chip time was 1:35:17, not a PB but more than a minute shaved off last year's time. I placed 214 over all, not sure how big the field is, but I suspect it's almost 5,000. (update: There were 4,500 runners.

I'm very happy cause I went into this without proper half marathon speed training, but I managed to deal with the wind and faster pace.

The best sign that marathon training is paying off is that I had one of the strongest finishes to a half marathon I've ever had. I actually held back in the first 10K. For the last 11.1K, instead of struggling, I poured it on. I believe I ran a negative split. "Nice push," one runner said to me as we reached the 18K point and I blew by.

It's exactly four weeks until marathon day. Oh my lord it's creeping up. This week's mileage is pretty sad, huh? Two runs and a race, though, so I'm not too worried. Next week, a 50 mile+ schedule!

Weekly total: 37K (23 miles)
Time run this week: 2:48:05
Year to date: 1,998K (1,241.5 miles)
Marathon training to date: 946K (588 miles)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Frankie, and thanks for getting up so early to cheer us on.
