
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

We out there, hiding...

Funny how you 'run' into runners in the most unlikely places. What do I find out about a co-worker (i'm new, of course)? He's a big runner. Has done Chicago. Has done Boston. Just went sub-1:30 a few days ago in a half.

Okay, about this morning. The alarm went off at 5:10. I got up, read through the paper. It was dark. I looked at the bed. It looked comfortable. Sleep won. Which meant when I got home at 6:30, dying to just do nothing, it was automatic. Put on the HRM, the Garmin, the hat, socks, top and shorts. Shoes on, out the door. Ran 17.4K (10.8 miles) in 1:25:04.

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