
Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Originally uploaded by yumkerun.
I exist. As I was walking home from the Raptors pre-season game tonight (yes, took yet another day off), I remembered that the brochure could have arrived today. I opened the mailbox and there it was. It was like Christmas, let me tell ya.

So, I'm in the preferred I starting area. Yikes.


  1. nice job on the preferred I start. i still haven't gotten my card because we moved and we think our mail is being held hostage downtown.

  2. Rock.

    That looks like a great number to have. :)

    Christmas came early here, too.

    Happy Running,

  3. Hey I was at the Raptors game too!!
    Small world.

  4. What does the "preferred I" start means? That looks like a lucky number =)

  5. Leahc.. it says in the brochure that you can just show up at the expo and that they have a place where you can pick up your info if you have a printout of your email confirmation.. hope you get your number soon!

    running jayhawk, 23331 is very catchy!

    arcaner, ya know it is a small world.. maybe we'll bump into you in chicago

    sonia, the marathon is so big that they have separate areas that you can qualify for (elite, top 100, perferred 1, perferred 2 and open).. see map:

    what a huge starting line!
