
Sunday, October 01, 2006

Chicago countdown: 20 days to go

The first day of the taper was spend, well, running. I like running on weekend mornings, cause i can get the day under way and not have my run haunt me. But today, at 4 p.m., I went out after a big meal. It took forever to get the full feeling out. Anyways, today was a 10 miler and added a bit extra to get up to 17.6K, which gave me 10.9 miles.

This was the last big week, my fifth week that I've logged more than 50 miles! From now till marathon day, the mileage will drop dramatically. Tell ya what, right now, I'm relishing the rest.

Weekly total: 80.5K (50 miles)
Time run this week: 7:26:42
Year to date: 2,078.5K (1,291.5 miles)
Marathon training to date: 1026.5K (638 miles)

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