
Sunday, October 15, 2006

Chicago countdown: 6 days to go

Originally uploaded by yumkerun.
As I wrote this morning, I went to cheer on the runners at the Toronto Marathon (well, mostly the half). I bought my camera, got a large Hortons double-double, a chocolate glazed and vanilla dip donuts, and stationed myself at the 10K mark. Waited for 20 minutes, then they came: the leaders, then the fast ones, slowly building until the first big packs started coming. I cheered them on. "You look strong," "good pace guys," and "big downhill coming up".

For me, it was a chance to cheer in a race I'd probably run if I wasn't doing Chicago. And it was also a chance to give back -- i've always appreciated the small but dedicated crowds who cheer us on in Toronto. I know in Chicago, there wouldn't be a shortage of spectators, but every single one counts.. I'll remember that next week.

Here's a picture of the guy who was leading at the 39K mark. Took a lot more.

Oh yes, here's a link to Running Jayhawk's fabulous ode to the Chicago bloggers. She couldn't have said it better. I don't think I could have done all this training if I didn't have the chance to read about the ups and downs of preparing for this race. I've trained alone, but it never really felt like that when I sat down at my computer.

Weekly total: 33K (20.5 miles)
Time run this week: 2:43:46
Year to date: 2,167.5K (1,347 miles)
Marathon training to date: 1,115.5K (693 miles)


  1. Great thing you did yesterday!! You are totally right every single person cheering for you counts, there was a lot of awesome Torontonians cheering all along the course and it was well appreciated by all runners, including me and especially neat the end!!! =)

  2. You're welcome Sonia. And where is your race report?! Congrats on your first marathon!

  3. IT's coming! I'm working on it ;-)

    Thanks I'm really proud of myself!!!
