
Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I feel speedy

I woke up at 6 a.m. only to see a massive thundershower. The sky was flashing, like it was lit by a strobe light. And it was raining hard. Too bad for an early morning runner who was sticking it out.

Me, no way. I finished work and headed out for a run. I don't often take two days off running, but today, my legs felt fresh, rested and relatively pain free. I set out on my 13K (8 miler) with the intentions of doing the whole run in about 1:10. I ended up doing 12K in 59:51 and the full 13K in 1:04:69 for an average pace of 4:54. My mile splits are here.

Will take it easy, but will run two 5 milers in the next two days... Rest up, legs, rest up.

1 comment:

  1. That is quite speedy!! =)

    Great job on the 8 miler!
