
Friday, October 20, 2006

Live, from Chicago!

Originally uploaded by yumkerun.
Well, running fans, it's come to this. I'm here, in Chicago. Wow, all that running and training comes to this weekend.

This picture is from the starting area of the Chicago marathon on Friday afternoon.

The weather is beautiful, at 55 degrees and sunny. I wish this was race-day weather.

The day went like this: Picked up at 5 a.m. by Frankie, and off to the airport. We had separate flights. Was in the air by 8 a.m., and in Chicago by 8:45 central time. Was downtown by 10 a.m. and, through the beauty of text messaging, Jelly, CMan and Frankie and I caught up for a big breakfast.

We went off to the expo and proceeded to be inspired and excited by the big crowds. We went several times, picking up swag and samples. I signed up for the 3:20 pace team, but asked for the 3:30 pace band, just in case.

We saw the Penguin, and Hal Higdon, who signed Jelly's book, but wrote Gelly. Then we hit the New Balance merchandise store, let me tell you, they are raking in the cash with their wares. I bought a running jacket/windbreaker and a cap. Might as well.

Then we went back downtown and Frankie went to his hotel, but then Jelly, CMan and I took a tour through the park, where we snapped a few pics.

In my hotel room, resting. We go out for dinner tonight. I dunno about the weather. Rain may be forecast and it will be cooler than today. Best not to get too worried about thar right now.

More pictures here.


  1. Great pictures! Good luck on Sunday!

  2. Ahhhhhhhhh you got to meet the penguin and Hal Higdon!!! I'm so jealous! Glad you had a good time up to now, good luck tomorrow!!! Weather looks so-so for Sunday but only 30% chances of rain, so I'll cross my fingers for you guys!

  3. Anonymous2:15 PM

    too bad yer running day was not like this
