
Thursday, October 26, 2006

Run free

Today, I went for a run. A good old, lace up the shoes, put on the gloves and gear and go out there for a jog. The Garmin? It stayed at home, the first time I've run without it since before the training began. It felt nice. No need to measure pace and time, just enjoy the afterglow of the marathon experience.

My left calf is a bit sore, but otherwise, my legs were operating fine. I did a 2 mile run (3.2K). It was chilly, the sun was setting and it felt good to be there alone, on my trail. It's a cold autumn breeze we get in late October, and it pushes away most runners, so all that's left is us crazier folk.

Then something funny happened. I wore my Nike Chicago06 (RunChi) cap today, and in the lobby of my condo, some guy eyed my hat and said: 'Did you run Chicago?' Turns out, so did he... We enjoyed a quick discussion about how he did New York a year ago, about the weather, how he didn't train and how I said 'with that weather, it's good we finished.' We traded our times and as the elevator door closed, we wished each other well. One marathoner to the other.. Small world, this running community.


  1. It's great not to worry about splits or pace or HR. Soak it up.

  2. Look at you out there already!

  3. I got out as well... a great feeling with no pressure on pace or time.

  4. Wow already back at it!! Godd for you!! Running without the garmin is great!! =)

  5. Wow, can't believe you are running already - way to go! And a belated congratulations on your marathon :)
