
Sunday, November 05, 2006

Another random reason why I run...

Originally uploaded by yumkerun.
This picture is of the sunrise yesterday morning. This is the view from my condo, beautiful, isn't it?

I was treated to a sunset today during my short 3 miler (5k) in 22:44 done at a pretty good tempo cause the sunset was breath taking and I forgot about running slow, I felt like I was running after the sun.

I also ran a 10K (6 mile) yesterday, done in 47:50. So next week i'm ready to resume my mileage so I keep at at maintenance level, three or four weekday runs of up to 6 miles each, then a long run in one weekend day.

Training update
Weekly mileage: 40K (25 miles)
Time run: 3:14:19
Year to date: 2,262.5K (1,406 miles)


  1. Awsome view, we had a beautiful sunset last night as well. It's that time of year.

  2. The picture really didn't pick up all the colours.. i think i will prefer mornings to evenings for running
