
Sunday, November 19, 2006

Happy birthday Jelly...

JellyP, today, you turned 30. It occurs to me now that I've now known you for a good decade now, starting back in the days when we were in journalism school, slaving away for the school weekly.

I remember in my high school or even younger days, when you'd meet a friend and you'd hit it off. In days, you'd call them your best friend, in years, they'd fade away from memory. My later-life friendships have been so different. Our bond has grown so strong over the years the memories flood over -- the long days at the newspaper, the late nights the gang stayed at the house on Olive, the trips, by road and air, to all across this country, the countless afternoons spent sipping tea during dim sum, the afternoons scheming about our next cooking or baking adventure, then the days spent in the kitchen.

Like you said to me before we ran the marathon in Chicago, the past year has made us even closer, even though we barely ran more than a few times with each other. I'm so glad you dragged us on this adventure. Here's to your 30th...

1 comment:

  1. Sweet post. It's been a great decade, and I can't wait to see what happens in the next. Your turn to pick an adventure :)
