
Sunday, November 26, 2006

Lots of walking...

Following yesterday's long run, I could have finished the week off with another run, but I felt I wouldn't push it. Today was a day for walking, and I was roaming all around town picking stuff up for the holiday season.

Well, I finally hit the 30 mile mark, thanks in part to the 13 miler yesterday. Now that I have a month left this year, I know i'll top 2,500 kilometres and pass the 1,500 mile mark in the next week. Wow, 2,500 kilometres means I could have run to Montreal five times over, to Halifax with 650 kilometres left in the tank, or to Winnipeg with 400 kms to go. That's freaking far.

Running update
Weekly mileage: 48K (30 miles)
Time run: 4:00:05
Year to date: 2,391.5K (1,486 miles)

1 comment:

  1. Great 13 miler on Sat. Nothing wrong with walking when you need to recover. 1500 miles in a year is an awesome accomplishment.
