
Monday, December 18, 2006

Between jobs...

Well, I guess I can write about why my mileage, in part, has dropped over the last while. I started a new job at the national broadcaster in September, a job I was really enjoying. But an amazing opportunity came knocking and I answered, so now i'll be working at (another) national newspaper website starting in January. It was very difficult, almost agonizing, to leave after a short period, but I believe chances to do good work only come once in a while. My running suffered as my mind was elsewhere. Which is funny, because I think it's running that helps me focus.

I have the next two weeks (or most of them) off as a result of the lul between the jobs, and i'm happy to have them off to reflect, to recharge. I will get more mileage in, including a resolution run on Dec. 31.

Today, ran a 10K in which the first half my legs felt like concrete. The second was considerably better and finished the run in 49:03.

Last week's recap
Weekly mileage: 29K (18 miles)
Time run: 2:37:37
Year to date: 2,470.5K (1,540 miles)


  1. Wow another change!!! If you've decided to go for it then it,s a great change! Good luck at the new place! =)

  2. Hey congrats on the new job, opportunity can knock at strange times, glad you took the risk.

  3. Thanks guys.. The job change will be hard on my running schedule, but I'm convinced I can still fit it in..

  4. Anonymous9:34 PM

    between jobs?
    are you trying to work for every major media organization in canada?
