
Sunday, December 31, 2006

A wrap for 2006

Originally uploaded by yumkerun.
I've pretty much faithfully plotted out all the miles and kilometres I've run this year. What kind of year was it?

It was a year when I was 5139, 278, 408, 997, 6616, 5718, 6371, numbers assigned my all my races. It was a year when I ran in five running shoes, retiring one of them after 713km on Sept. 9. It was a year in which plus 30 C or below -15 were never deterrants to getting out there on my daily runs.

In my racing life, it was the big one. I ran in seven, and I could easily have done more. I set a few PRs, but none of them to go on about. All those runs are overshadowed by The Marathon. Chicago was a far off goal, then one looming, then one realized. This blog tracked me before, during and after that big event. I want to do another, because I became stronger because of the training, because the intense schedule gave structure to my workouts and because the achievement, both mentally and physically, are totally mine to savour.

I'll leave declaration of resolutions for another day, but it's safe to say that I've achieved most of mine from last year in 2006.

Weekly mileage: 15K (9 miles)
Total run in 2006: 2515K (1563 miles)

Jan: 20 runs for 181K
Feb: 19 runs for 170K
March: 19 runs for 153K
April: 17 runs for 176K
May: 20 run for 187K
June: 26 days run for 261K
July: 27 runs for 299K
Aug.: 24 runs for 328K
Sept.: 20 runs for 299K
Oct. : 17 runs for 177K
Nov.: 18 runs for 165K
Dec.: 15 runs for 110K


  1. Congrats on an oustanding year. 2007 will be even better. You've gained experience and confidence from this year to achieve your '07 goals. Happy new year!

  2. Bonne Année!!! 1500+ miles of running! You're definitely a machine! Congrats and cheers to another great year!

  3. Thanks guys. Look forward to 2007, hopefully it'll be a good running year!
