
Monday, January 01, 2007


Last year, on Jan. 9, I signed up for Chicago. I see registration is now open, and now with my time, I see that I can still qualify for the Corral B start (which was the same as the Preferred one I did this year).

But it's not last year. This year, my running schedule will be complicated, because R is moving to DC for work and I'll be flying there quite often to visit. This will mean that weekend long runs may have to be done on Friday in Toronto, or perhaps Saturday morning in Washington. It will be a dizzying attempt at scheduling to fit in races in Toronto and runs in the other city.

There's also the new job. It will keep me very busy as I get into the swing of things, so I think I can only do good maintenance running and aim for a 8K, 10K and maybe a half mary between now and June.

But then there's the marathon, and yes I want to do another. This year, I want to do it better. I want to drop my weight to better racing form, I want to do the Pfitzinger training program and I want to now realistically do better than 3:35. No real target yet, but it'll be conservative.

So just like Jelly and Bob, I have my sights set on the Marine Corps Marathon on October 28. I'm sure i'll get to know the city very well between now and then (I haven't visited yet) and i'll have free accommodations with R. The city also has a 10 miler race in October that I'll consider. In any case, registration doesn't start until May 9. And training would begin in late June.. Just in time for summer...


  1. Lemme toast to another great year of running. See you in DC buddy!

  2. Nice selection on a marathon - perhaps I'll see you in DC...

  3. Wow, looks like more than a few of us are considering Washington. Looks like we'll have to start a MCM blog list.. Where's bob when you need him.

  4. Yes it's strange with registration open for Chicago to not be signing up. I got a couple of "I am all signed up, your turn" e-mails today.

    I like your plan, you will do really well with Pfitz.
