
Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Originally uploaded by yumkerun.
It's Jan. 16 and now I can finally declare that it's winter. I went out for a run today -- it's minus 11 with windchill of minus 20. Yesterday's snow followed by freezing rain, followed by snow left this thin shiny layer that looks like it would be slippery as hell, but as I tackled the trail by the water, I was gliding.

The notches on the ground, imprints of other runners, walkers, and the few cyclists who still brave the cold, made for a surface that was easy to grip with my shoes, but also hard on the ankles. I love hearing the clip, clop of my feet hitting the fresh snow.

Of course, I layered, in fact, I had four top layers: my base of a thin poly pro, followed by a thermal top, with a short sleeve vest and a bright Sugoi jacket for an outer shell. I tore apart my place looking for my Windstopper hat that covers my ears, but settled for my hat. My ears were cold.

A productive run and considering it was about 23 degrees warmer in DC on Sunday, I ask myself why I chose to run today... oh well. 7.4K in 37:31. (Oh, and to answer Bob and Sonia, I'm not moving, but my sweetie is, so i'll be visiting very often. I may even keep a pair of runners at R's place.)

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