
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

My trail

5K in the dark, but the path was lightened by the snow on the ground. Well, a little accumulation on top of a snowy/ice mixture. Was fun to get the path all to myself, my trail. I'm only a few K off last week's mileage. I think this will be a good week.... one can only hope.


  1. Good luck on getting back at it! When you run in the dark do you wear some reflective bands or other things like that?

    I'm starting to think about it, with the semi-long runs on week days for the marathon training...

  2. Thanks Sonia... getting my miles in and happy i've made some progress this week.

    Yes, I wear a bright flourescent jacket when I go out, which is good cause the rest of my runnnig clothes are usually black.. I also wear reflective bands as well...
