
Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Oh yeah, the weekend...

I'm off to DC this weekend to help R. find a place to live.. I'm wondering if I could sneak in an early morning run... Where should I go? The weather will be a nice and balmy 15 degrees! (well, it'll be warm in Toronto too, I hear).

Since I may lose some mileage this weekend, I intend to make up for it on the weekdays, so i'm going to try for 10Ks for the next three days to rack up the runs..

Did 10K today after work in the city..


  1. Ask Jenenne or Bex. But I have always seen that picture of the statue half in and half out of the ground that is in a park in DC. I have always wanted to run by that thing, no idea where it is though. :)

  2. Thanks Bob.. will check them out..

  3. Anonymous7:32 AM

    did you get spammed on your blog?
