
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A run will cure it...

For not the first time I've gone out for the run when I was feeling just on the cusp of being unwell. Last night, had a scratchy throat, those clear first signs of a cold. Downed a few Cold-FXs (I still am unsure if they acutally work) and as luck would have it, I had scheduled to work from home today on reports. So I worked and late afternoon, it just looked too nice at -1 with not that bad windchill.

So out for 6.6K (4 miles) during which I could definately feel what was at the back of the throat -- having had to clear it out more than a few times. Odd feeling of having to work out your lungs, heart and feel the blood pump though your slighty weakened body... I think I've fought back this cold...

Time for planning. I have a few races I have to sign up for this spring. Lots to figure out...


  1. Hope you feel better, just got out of a really bad cold that lasted way too long! Hopefully you'll get the shorter version of what I had.

  2. Great job... I agree, run through the cold... unless your really feeling like you can't go.

  3. I'm not sure about the Cold f/x either. I bought a costco size pack of the stuff last year and I've been taking them twice a day since December. I think I only have about a 2 week supply left and I'm trying to decide if I should buy more. I haven't got sick yet (touch wood), so maybe it's working.

  4. Ugh. COLDS. The bane of existence. But I've been trying those cold-fx guys, and I'm almost convinced they work, as the last few times I've been sick, I took them and hardly noticed the bug, whereas I didn't take them this time, and I'm pretty much feeling like death warmed over!

  5. yup, i did get sick!... i'm getting better now, and hope to go for a long run.. well, might as well let your body get better while it recuperates rather than supressing your immune system by doing things like running :)
