
Thursday, February 08, 2007


Fear not, I'm still running. I'm getting a little upset that i'm missing my running hours because of the commute, but I'm making time. All you runners out there -- those braving the cold training for fitness or Boston -- you make me feel like it's possible to bear the weather.. of course it is bearable, i've run winters before.

Today's 10K was windy, but I layered and was nice and toasty by the 3K mark... On Tuesday, threw down a 6K run after work. I should get in another run then it's off to DC for a few days. Hopefully, Sunday will bring my mileage to a healthy level...


  1. I hate long commutes and don't know how people do it. I'm hoping that your commute doesn't involve driving cause that would really suck. At least if you're taking public transit, you can read and catch up on work. Have a safe trip.

  2. The short daylight of winter isn't that great either, but at least i don't drive.. i can get alot of podcast listening or reading on my rides.. i suspect the spring will be easier to find time

  3. Hope you're having fun in DC!!

  4. major snow fall in toronto today. but i think the roads are clear, u cud try and run?

  5. Kenny where are you?! Hope you're doing well and that you had fun in DC!

    Take care!
