
Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Loot bag

Haven't gotten out there the past few days. Just tired from work and travel and long hours and little sleep. The bright side is that I do have my first race of the season on Saturday. I picked up my race pack today -- T-shirt, brochures, an energy bar and, most importantly, the bib!

2148. It's a huge race this year. I believe it'll have almost double the number of participants compared with two years ago when I ran it on a cold wet snowy/rainy day. It was ugly. And it looks like it'll be a similar day, which will chase away a few people...

It's a hilly course, so it's quite fast at times. They throw in a massive hill at the end that breaks just about everyone.

Now, as for time goals, I wouldn't mind doing better than the 35:46 of two years ago. That race, I got a slow start and was just testing out my legs. This time, I think i'll like to aim for around 35 even, which will call for about 4:22 minute kilometres..

Maybe I need a speed session...


  1. Good luck tomorrow. I should have signed up for the 8k since I have a 5 mile LT run tommorow, but it's sold out :(

  2. Good luck on the race! 1st of the year is always exciting! I hope you get your PR!

  3. Thanks guys! Fran, the high park race is tonnes of fun. Nice hills, medium sized crowd and the weather is always unpredictable. Sonia, I really hope I can do it. These legs haven't raced since Dec. 31!
