
Thursday, May 31, 2007

Where's Bob? (and other questions)

So, where the hell is Bob, the Chicago Marathon blog-father? His site "A running destination" was overtaken then we haven't heard from him since. Bob, you out there?

I'm reminded of Bob because I check my blog's search keywords in my traffic tracker once in awhile. It provides for some interesting items people are searching for -- somehow they are taken to A whole lot of soles.. So, in the public service and for the betterment of the web as an interactive forum, here are my answers to your web queries

Q: "a running destination blog bob"
A: I dunno, but if you find him, let me know!

Q: humber bridge 10k map (from Britain)
A: I'm not sure where the Humber bridge in the UK is, but i'm sure mine (in Etobicoke) is not the one you're looking for. It's a good 15K run from my place though

Q: 10k times men percentile
A: Not sure what it is, I guess it depends what age group you're in. My advice, run well and the percentages will take care of themselves

Q: Marine corp sunrise parade may 25, 2007
A: I was at the Memorial Day Parade ... never been to the other

Q: arlington
A: Why yes, I've heard of it. Maybe I've even gone past it

Q: gatorade is yummy
A: Wiser words were never spoken. Although I'd hasten to add 'beer is yummy.' As for Gatorade, I like Frost, Blue and Fruit Punch. Lots of sugar, carbs and other goodness needed during and after a good long run.

Q: ontario half maratons
A: Did i misspell marathon at some point? Anyhow, I've done Mississauga, Toronto and Toronto Waterfront. All are good and fast.

Q: 10 miler
A: Why, how nice of you to ask. I'm running two this year, one in Toronto in July, the other the big Army 10 Miler in October.

Q: mileage distance of 3k, 5k, 6k, 9k
A: Google answers all. Type "3 kilometres to miles" and you'll get your answer.

That's it.. for now..


  1. Leahc had apparently emailed him a while back and he told her that he just didn't have time to maintain his blog anymore so he pulled the whole thing.

  2. Yep, I did.

    It's too bad because i liked reading about his training.
