
Thursday, July 12, 2007

4:48 a.m.

According to the suns and normals page for Toronto, the sun rises at 5:47 a.m., which is early enough for an early morning run. But to get a 10 miler in and out the door for work at 6:30 a.m., it meant I had to get out there much much earlier.

Which is why I found myself starting my run in the dark this morning, hitting the start button on the Garmin at 4:48 a.m. and started what was a pretty memorable run

My run, in point form:
  • it was very cool, in fact 14 degrees at 5 a.m.
  • it's more than a little creepy to run in what is usually a fairly busy trail in the dark
  • wonder where the seagulls go at night? I found hundreds (if not a thousand) of them in the massive parking lot of Ontario place at around 5 a.m. On my way back, they were gone, vanished
  • same for Canadian geese. actually, they don't move that much
  • at 5 a.m., there aren't even a lot of cyclists. I passed the first one about 4 kilometres into the run
  • and no runners at all, I passed the first walkers at 6.5K and the first runner at the 8K mark near Humber Bridge
  • running toward a sunrise is pretty much the major highlight
  • so was being on the path earlier than those early-morning rowers on Lake Ontario
  • a lot of solo runners at this time, and they all waved and nodded (I usually do anyways)
  • negative splits are so much easier when you're asleep for the first 20 minutes
16.1K (10 miles) in 1:26:33, avg pace of 5:29Ks
Ran 6.5K (4 miles) on Wednesday


  1. 4:48AM... OMG! You're one motivated guy right now, I have no doubts you'll do well in the Fall! I sure do not miss those early morning runs in the dark!!

    I just sent you an e-mail from my hotmail account (sonianna).

    Hope to see you on Sunday.

  2. I got here via Ryan in Chicago. Very cool that you'll be at MCM. I be back there behind you somewhere. I'm taking an more laid back approach to training this time around. Keep up the good work.

  3. Sonia, good seeing you today!

    Darrell, good to see another blogger doing MCM.. thought we were of a scarce variety...
