
Sunday, July 29, 2007

Marine Corps Marathon: 13 weeks to go

Hit the mileage goal right on the dot this week: 46 miles or 74 kilometres. The great news is that it's recovery week next week. The even better news is that it's going to heat up in temperature over that time. Here's the week in recap

Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 9 miles with 4 miles LT (14.5K)
Wednesday: 5 miles recovery (8K)
Thursday: 10 miles general aerobic (16K)
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 17 miles medium-long (27.4K)
Sunday: 5 miles recovery (8K)

Weekly mileage: 74K (46 miles)
Time run: 6:28:46
Year to date: 1,343K (834.5 miles)

It's interesting to note that last year at this time, I'd done 1,426K (886 miles). I'm pretty confident i'm on course to match last year's mileage total.

The week to come:
Recovery week
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 8 miles with 8x100m
Wednesday: 5 miles
Thursday: 8 miles
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 4 miles
Sunday: 12 miles


  1. Crowd wasn't that big. I was running by myself for most of the race.

    Regarding the 15k race, it's hard to say. Are you planning on doing the marathon pace run the week after too? My experience last year was that the recovery week after the marathon pace run was really needed. Also I think you're supposed to do a LT run the friday before the 20 miler (on the sunday). I'm not sure you'll be in a great position to do a marathon pace run as part of a 20 miler two days after doing 6 miles at LT pace.

    If you think you can handle the mileage then go for it. I'm not sure I'd be able to do it though since I've been nursing some nagging injuries.

  2. Also if you have to do 20 miles that day, have you considered switching to the 30km race? I think they would allow you do that since the price is the same for both.

  3. Hi,

    Sorry just noticed your last comment. I'm using a program Team in Training gave me goal finishing time between 3:30-3:40 (my BQ time) I've also used the running room guide before, a little too general and Hal Higdon's guide. And you?

  4. Thanks Fran.. I will look more closely at the schedule around the race and figure out what makes sense to do on the 20 miler day.

    As for the 30k, i'm not sure i want to run well into the night.. don't want to fall into any potholes on the spit
