
Sunday, July 08, 2007

Marine Corps Marathon: 16 weeks to go

Target for this week was 36 miles, which I did do. A recap

Monday: Rest/CT
Tuesday: 8.4 miles GA + 10X100 (13K)
Wednesday: Rest/CT
Thursday: 10 miles GA (16K)
Friday: Rest/CT
Saturday: 13 miles medium long run (switch days) (21K)
Sunday: 5 miles recovery (8K)

Weekly total: 59K (37 miles)
Avg pace: 5:09K
Time run: 5:04
Year to date: 1137.5K (707 miles)

Yesterday's longish run went well, with an average pace of 5:13K/8:25 miles. I really concentrated on maintaining pace.

Next week is an interesting one. I have a longer run (14 miles) on Sunday, but I also signed up for a 10 miler race on the same day. I guess the smart plan is to run 4 miles to the starting line and treat the race like a training run. I know myself to be a bit more competitive, but I do plan to fit in the mileage -- before the race as a warmup sounds better than adding 4 miles to the end. The run that's challenging is the Tuesday LT run, 8 miles with 4 miles at half marathon pace. That's 6.5K of race hard running without the race environment to push me. That will be difficult, but I look forward to running it: I am aiming for a pace of between 4:30K and 4:35K.

Monday: Rest
Tuesady: 8 miles x 4 miles at LT pace
Wednesday: 4 miles recovery
Thursday: 10 miles GA
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 4 miles (I will do strides in prep for Sunday)
Sunday: 4 mile easy/warmup plus 10 mile race.


  1. Good luck with the LT run. A lot of people have trouble with the first one especially if they're not use to it, so don't be afraid to back off.
    I'm thinking of doing that 10 mile race as a long run. I have 18 planned so I'm not sure how I'd handle the extra 8. Still thinking about it.

  2. Nice week.

    I often think the same - i.e. it would be better to warm up with 4 before hand, but I usually end up adding it on a couple hours after the race. I think doing 4 before may wear you down a bit before you race. Maybe you can do a 1-mile warm up - then add on later at lunch time? That's what I did a couple weeks ago. GOOD LUCK!

  3. Thanks guys..

    Fran, you should come to the 10 miler.. we'll all finally meet. Thanks for the advice on the LT run.. It will be tough to push myself so early in the morning..

    Ryan, good idea.. short warm up followed by the race, followed by a warm down a few hours later
