
Sunday, August 19, 2007

Marine Corps Marathon: 10 weeks to go

That was quite a week. My highest mileage to date this year, including 32 miles the past two days.

Although the weather the past two days have been fantastic -- cool, with a little breeze. The 20 miler was fine until about the 18 mile mark, when I really started to tire. Pace, however, only dropped a little. Long run done in 2:47:44, average pace of 8:21 miles/5:11 kilometres. I have two step-back weeks after this week, then back up to 50+ mile weeks.

Weekly recap:
Mileage: 55.5 miles (89.5 kilometres)
Time run: 7:52:41
Pace: 8:29 miles/5:16Ks
Year to date: 978 miles (1573 kilometres)

Next week's plan
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 6 miles
Wednesday: 14 miles
Thursday: 6 miles
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 6 miles with 6x100
Sunday: 15 miles with 12 miles at pace

I'm thinking of the following tweaks: do two recovery days on Tuesday/Wednesday, then do my pace run on Thursday, which will take some pressure of doing that type of run in DC this weekend when I'm visiting R.


  1. You should be okay. You definitely earned those recovery runs.

  2. ... thanks, probably the first time this training cycle i've had sore muscles, amazingly enough...
