
Sunday, August 26, 2007

Marine Corps Marathon: 9 weeks to go

It's official, I'm at the halfway mark of the 18 week Pfitzinger plan. It's been a great first-half of this training. I'm getting all the runs in, including the quality hard workouts: LT, pace, medium-long and long runs. I'm feeling like a stronger runner -- I'm (so far) injury free, I've shed more than a few pounds and my cardio and running form are improved. So much work done, so much more to do.

By the way, I passed the 1,000 mile mark for the year this week. A year ago today, I had done 1069 miles compared with 1025 so I'm a bit behind in total mileage, but feel so much stronger. I also plan to have a better running November and December than last year.

This upcoming week (43 miles) also begins my last recovery week before the taper. After this week, I have four consecutive 50+ mile weeks in five weeks and that will include a half marathon, a 10 miler and a 10K race. At least.

Weekly recap
Tuesday: 6 miles
Wednesday: 15 miles with 12 at pace
Thursday: 6 miles
Saturday: 14 miles
Sunday: 6 miles

Weekly mileage: 47 miles (76K)
Year to date: 1025 miles (1649K)

Week to come
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 8 miles
Wednesday: 8 miles with V02 (5x600 at 5K race pace)
Thursday: 5 miles
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 8 miles with 8x100m
Sunday: 14 miles


  1. Anonymous5:42 PM

    yumke. you are a man of a mission. glad to hear you're training is going well! and happy belated birthday!! fleetfootedfrankie.

  2. Hey Frankie! Thanks, I hope it's going well :) Will see you at the half marathon if not earlier.
