
Sunday, September 02, 2007

Marine Corps Marathon: 8 weeks to go

A good weekend. I ran 14 miles today at a good clip, around 8:07 miles, taking advantage of the cool weather. Also broke in my new shoes and I could feel already that the old pair had its day. I'm on vacation for a week, so now I'm catching up on much-needed sleep. Next week has a tougher schedule with 55 miles on tap.

Weekly mileage: 45 miles (72K)
Time run: 6:11:27
Average pace: 8:17 miles/5:09 Ks
Year to date mileage: 1070 miles (1721K)

Here's the schedule for next week.

Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 6 miles with 6x100
Wednesday: 12 miles with 7 miles at LT
Thursday: Rest
Friday: 12 miles
Saturday: 5 miles
Sunday: 20 miles

I may make a few tweaks, such as doing the 6 miler tomorrow then doing the LT on Tuesday.
The LT run is the key one to do well.


  1. Great job on your progress. 56 days until the big day... that's not that far off. This is big week coming up. I know you'll rock all of the upcoming workouts. Keep it up.

  2. Good luck with the LT. That's the key to judging how you'll do on marathon day.
