
Saturday, October 06, 2007

Army Ten Miler: Expo

Army Ten Miler, originally uploaded by yumkerun.

Got my bib number for the Army Ten Miler today. I originally signed up and seeded myself with a 1:10 finish. That was in May. Having run the half marathon last weekend and today's 20 miler means tomorrow's race will be a totally fun run. R. is running it with me and I will be her pace bunny. We are aiming for a sub 1:40 finish but I think we can go a little faster. By the way, this race is massive! Twenty-six thousand runners. R. and I are starting in wave three that gets under way at 8:15 a.m. The route is actually really familiar to me. I ran a lot of it, for example, today on my long run.

Love the hat but they ran out of the white ones. Oh well, black will do.

Good luck to the Chicago runners for tomorrow! I can't believe it's going to be so warm when it was sooo cold last year.

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