
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Last hard workout

Marine Corps Marathon is now 11 days away and today, I did my final V02 Max workout. It warmed up a bit today, enough so I could wear a singlet again. Today's run called for 8 miles with 3x1600, a tough run.

I warmed up by running up to the track, much of it is on a slight incline, so arrived with an elevated heart rate. The usual suspects (I can say that now having seen them every week) and running groups were gathering for their workouts so I went right to work. Four laps. The pace I set was 6:24 1,600 metres, or a 4 minute kilometre pace. It's a pace I've aimed at in my shorter repeats and in my past two races, there was every indication I can hold that type of pace. (The half marathon was done at 4:22 pace and the 10K was 4:09 pace).

Off I went, focusing on the middle two laps then bringing it home with a strong final kick. I was more or less hitting my splits. One thing that was a factor was that I was running at times on the third lane having to pass runners. I would say it cost me a second or two in some laps, but it's not an excuse.

I took two minute recovery jogs between sets.

1. 6:21 184 max heart rate (176 average)
2. 6:27 188 max heart rate (182 average)
3. 6:28 187 max heart rate (182 average)

So within four seconds on either side of goal pace of 6:24. I'm happy with the effort. It was tough but I was not dying at the end of each repeat, which means one day after the marathon, I will go for an all-out mile. That would be fun to pace.

I check the weather once a day. Today, another change. High of 12C and low of 5C. I think that's about perfect. It'll likely change in the coming days. Two more runs in the next four days, a 5 miler and a 12 miler . Wow, totally taper time.


  1. Nice job on the VO2 max - it sure is a tough run - especially during a taper!

  2. You've done a great job with your training. Mine has been more miss than hit and I avoid speedwork like the plague, to my detriment.

    Let's hope the weather holds out.

  3. Thanks guys.. Taper is finally truely here. I don't think my fitness will fade that much in the next 10 days.

    Weather is looking good so far..
