
Sunday, October 14, 2007

Marine Corps Marathon: 2 weeks to go

Yeah, 14 days. It's so close. The taper is going well. I was looking at last year's third week out and there are a few key differences.

2006: Third week before marathon (Hidgon Advanced I program): Total: 35 miles / average 8:10 pace
Wednesday: 8.2 miles at 7:45 pace
Thursday: 5.7 miles at 7:47 pace (marathonish pace)
Friday: 5.6 miles at 7:28 pace (hard)
Saturday: 12 miles at 8:53 pace
Sunday: 3 miles at 8 minute pace

2007: Third week before marathon (Pfitzinger 55 mile program) Total: 40 miles / 7:55 pace
Tuesday: 8.2 miles at 7:42 pace (5x600)
Wednesday: 5 miles at 9:03 pace (recovery)
Thursday: 4 miles at 8:02 pace
Saturday: 6.3 miles at 6:36 pace (4:09Ks) 10K race
Sunday: 16 miles at 8:11 pace

The difference in distance is 5 miles but this this year, I had three quality hard workouts -- the track V02 Max session, the 10K race and the 16 mile run. Last year, I did a short pace run, a hard-ish not quite tempo run and the long run wasn't, well, that long.

This upcoming week the mileage continues to drop and for the first time since the week of July 2, I have three rest days in the schedule. Woo hoo!

Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 7 miles with 8x100
Wednesday: 8 miles with 3x1600 (last V02 Max)
Thursday: Rest
Friday: 5 miles with 6x100
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: 12 miles

Notice that I have strides on two days, I guess to give my body a reminder of what it is to run fast.

Weekly mileage: 40 miles (64 K)
Year to date: 1355 (2180K)

Final thing, I'm so close to the marathon now I can look now at the highly inaccurate weather forecast.

Here is it.... A little on the warm side but it's a comfortable temperature

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