
Thursday, October 11, 2007

Notes from Chicago

A year ago, I remember reading all the inspiring race reports from Chicago marathoners. This year, it's like reading reports from the war front. It's gripping. It's pure emotion and inspiring.

Just read Out of Shape Guy's post. It ends with this line: "Time or the metal really didn’t matter, just finishing was reward enough for me. I’m glad I didn’t give up, because now I know I can pretty much do anything." The report that precedes that ending is well worth the time.

Or Ryan's note that the heat was actually something good for running and marathoning. "If nothing else, there is a huge amount of interest marathon running now. And I see this as a good thing."

Leah's "Death March" is inspirational: "Making the big turn onto Columbus and seeing the finish line and knowing that I was going to complete a marathon in one of the worst conditions ever made me very happy."

Lisa already has set her eyes on another marathon.

And Jason Warick, a top-notch Canadian runner who blogs for a sister paper of my employer, files a race report that shows toughness and smart racing. By the way, he finished 11st. Overall. Wow.

Oh, there are tonnes more on the net. Just type Chicago Marathon Race Report in Google Search. And lots on YouTube. Some good, some ranty, but some gems.

Okay, back to focusing on the Marine Corps Marathon...

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