
Sunday, November 04, 2007

Catching up and looking ahead

Just getting a chance to catch up on recording my mileage. I'm now in my recovery period for the rest of November until I can get back into a base training level. I'm aiming to maintain better mileage than last winter.

Mileage in last two weeks (46 miles + 15 miles): 51 miles (82K)
Year to date: 1439 miles (2316K)

Here's a look at my mileage in the past 19 weeks.

Now it's time to refocus on my running. I know I need goals to keep my training in check and to give me something to, well, make it through the winter. So here's the question: Do I want to train for a spring marathon? I think so. I've made lots of gains this training season and I'm eager to get back at it and next fall seems too far away.

I'm quietly checking out a few races but I think I'm ready to commit to one. Just waiting for JellyP and her fam to firm up some dates.

As for the fall, I have lots of options if I'm to run a fall marathon. I'm still sticking to a big city marathon where I can be assured there will be pacers, so I'm thinking Chicago and Marine Corps although Philly may be an alternative (and late enough in the season that it could be my B race). Yeah, that's right, it looks like I'm aiming at a two-marathon year. That would mean out of 52 weeks, 36 would be for marathon training and 8 weeks of recovery and 8 weeks for base training.

Here are races I'm thinking of between now and the end of May in here or DC:

New Years Resolution run in Toronto: Dec. 31
Chilly Half in Burlington: Feb. 2
St. Patricks Day 5K in Toronto: March 16
National Half Marathon in DC: March 29
Around the Bay 30K in Hamilton: March 30
Spring Runoff 8K in Toronto: April 5
Cherry Blossom 10 miler in DC: April 6
Sporting Life 10K in Toronto: May 4

And a marathon in May....


  1. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Around the Bay is going to be quite the part-ay this year ... I keep hearing about more and more folks who are going.

    As for May - aside from the obvious (Ottawa, which is awesome) have you thought about Burlington, VT? Supposed to be a bit hilly and tough, but great for spectators. It always sells out way early. Just a thought...

  2. Thinking of Ottawa but a little wary of the possible hot weather. Burlington huh? I'll have to investigate that race!

  3. I see some races I've done last year! That'll be a great spring racing season! Chilly should be better as the race director said there will be a full lane closure and change of route to avoid last year's accidents... ATB is a BLAST! You will love it, it's the best race I've done (so far)! =)
