
Sunday, November 11, 2007

Testing those legs

Well, two weeks after the marathon and I'm back at it. The legs are fine after a few test runs the past few days.

I did a four miler last night and did the third one at a bit faster than LT. Just wanted to see how my muscles would hold up to some speed. Did the third in 6:43 or a 4:10 per kilometer pace.

Today I intended to do a minimum of 10 miles, but my route kinda distracted me and I ended up doing a bit more than 13 miles in 1:52:57.

So I did 35 miles this week, which means my taper and buildup is looking like this

3 weeks to marathon: 49 miles
2 weeks to marathon (taper): 40 miles
1 weeks to marathon: 33 miles
Marathon week: 46 miles
1 week after: 15 miles
2 weeks after: 35 miles

I'm now back to my comfortable base mileage and I intend to do between 25 and 35 a week over the next month, then settle into a 30 mile a week routine until the next training cycle begins. Since my first confirmed big race is the 30K in late March, I'll have to build back up to that distance by starting in January.

Year to date mileage: 1474 miles (2372K)


  1. I'm glad to read that your legs are feeling good. That second marathon took more out of me than I expected.

    Enjoy the maintanence miles over the winter.

  2. Maintenance is lower pressure but also harder in a way without an immediate goal.

  3. Glad you're feeling good!

    My mileage looks relatively similar to yours; 41, 38, 27, 37, 16, 27, so I must be on the right track! My plan is to keep the same base 25-35 through Dec then start training in January for the National Marathon at the end of March. I've hooked up with a coach and running group for this one though.

    Enjoy your maintenance miles!

  4. Darrell, I'm still amazed you did two marathons in short order.

    Mark, it's great to be running with no pressure! But I agree that goals are needed to keep me on track

    Teresa, good on you for getting back on it.. end of march is a little too early for me for my next marathon.. maybe may..
