
Monday, December 31, 2007

2008 goals

In running, we set goals, not resolutions, so here are my 2008 running goals

-Run a spring marathon (Flying Pig in Cincinnati) and a fall marathon (TBD)
-Use a shorter Pfitzinger program for the spring marathon and reassess
-Run the Around the Bay 30K in marathon pace 4:45Ks or 7:37 miles or faster
-Run the spring marathon to get more experience
-Run a marathon in 3:20 or faster in the fall
-Run a half marathon in 1:31 or faster
-Run a 5K in 20 minutes
-Run a 10K in 41 minutes
-Top 1,800 miles for the year
-Keep my weight stable or lighter throughout the winter
-Do marathon training long runs faster
-Keep on blogging (this is my two-year anniversary for run blogging -- woo hoo)

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