
Sunday, December 16, 2007

Crazy fun romp in the snow

The snowstorm arrived. A furious wind that made heavy snow look almost dangerous. I was talking to R. in the morning talking about how crazy it is to run, but I felt like one. I then saw a runner out there and laughed.

So midafternoon, after watching lots of TV and a movie, I felt decidedly sluggish so I went out there for a run. The snow was deep. The streets were deserted. But I loved it. Every step was hard, many were slippery but I made it through 3.2 miles in 28:54 with an average pace of 9:02 miles or 5:37Ks. I finished out of breath and was laughing about how crazy I am. Crazy to be a runner, and better for it. Now I got a winter full of this. Might as well get ready.

Weekly mileage: 14 miles
Year to date: 1,595 miles (2567K)

Gonna break 1,600 miles.


  1. c-r-a-z-y. (i'm still home. no heading to tremblant today!)

  2. Sounds like fun, I compare winter running sometimes to steeple chase. Leaping snow banks left from the plows, slipping on ice. Running through the crusty snow of a lazy homeowners un-shovled sidewalk. I would not have it any other way.

    Congrats on 1,600, and yes I noted that you were talking in Miles.

  3. Well said, Bob. That's exactly what winter running is.
