
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Note to self: get some new shoes

I stopped tracking how many miles I had put on my current pair of shoes, but I do know I started using them in the spring or summer. I know this: I have put way too many miles, much more than the 500 miles max that some suggest.

You could feel every stomp, even on the blanket of snow I ran in tonight.

So after I visit R this weekend in DC, I'm going to retire these ones, buy a new pair. Maybe it'll make things a bit better.

Or that's the hope.

6 miles today in 53ish minutes, and 4 miles yesterday.


  1. It gets tedious tracking miles, I go by feel as well, when it's time you just seem to know it.

  2. Wow, I only get about 300 miles out of my shoes. I think the Asics have my durable rubber in the shoes. I tend to wear out the heels of my shoes really quickly and that's what forces me to change.
