
Sunday, January 06, 2008

Recapping the first week of 2008

A lot of planning is under way for the year. I've set up my 12 week marathon training program for the Flying Pig and this evening I've signed up for another batch of races, which puts me at six races for 2008 so far:

5K race in March
30K race in March
8K race in April
Marathon in May
10 miler in July
Half marathon in September

Weekly mileage was pretty good, not at the level I should be at for base mileage for the marathon training, but it's getting up there:

Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: 3.1 miles
Thursday: 5 miles
Friday: 3.1 miles
Saturday: 8.85 miles
Sunday: 4 miles

Weekly mileage: 24 miles (38.5K)

Plan for next week as I start aiming for the 30+ miles a week base.

Monday: 10 miles
Tuesday: 4 miles (with 6 x 100 strides)
Wednesday: 4 miles
Thursday: Rest/Fly to Miami
Friday: 3 - 5 miles in Miami Beach Florida!
Saturday: 6 miles in Miami
Sunday: 6 miles in Miami

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