
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The schedule

Five miles done today after work in 41:43, or about a 8:20 mile pace. Felt okay, not too fast, not too slow.

One of the challenges in the base period is to fit in one medium-long run during the week, which will be tough as I'm going to shoot for a 10 mile run.

Which means about 1:25 of running before work (5 a.m., yikes) or after work (5 or 6 pm). In both cases, it means running in the dark. This is a little daunting but I'm going to have to get used to one or the other. Flying Pig Marathon training is beginning in a month and I've got to toughen up for a harder 50+ mile schedule.


  1. I salute you for even thinking about getting out there for a run on a cold winter morning.

  2. Yeah, the worse part is, it's not even really cold yet. I know it'll come and when it does, it'll suck.
