
Sunday, January 27, 2008

Taking advantage of the weather

DC in the summer is crazy hot, but in the winter, it's a perfect getaway from the frigid weather Toronto. Don't get me wrong, it's still cold here, but it's always between 5 and 10C warmer.

We hung out all morning and I baked an apple pie (from scratch, crust and all) and we ventured out for a nice run. It was sunny and about 2 or 3C and just a tad windy. We did 9K in about 55 minutes at a nice recovery pace.

Keeping up the mileage, which is keeping me happy and somewhat fit. I'm going to be happy just getting the miles in. I think a 15 miler should be in the cards the next few weeks before I plunge into marathon training.

Weekly miles: 37 miles (60K)
Year to date: 140 miles (225K)

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