
Sunday, March 09, 2008

17 miler in the books

I will not complain. It's cold and windy here, but at least I didn't have to contend with yet another winter storm. I ran 5 miles on a treadmill yesterday, then we spent 10 hours on our feet shopping. So my legs were pretty sore going to bed.

We lost the hour of sleep with Daylight Saving Time but I was ready for my run by about 10:30. Set out on the run that would have me doing stints on the Mall, on to East Potomac Park and Haines Point, then on to Mt. Vernon Trail, Rock Creek Park, the Zoo and back...

I've been ending my long runs recently with a three or four mile speed up, ending at around marathon pace. It helps that I'm bringing Gatorade to fuel up. I'm pretty happy with this run.

1 comment:

  1. Consider yourself very lucky!!! Great splits!
