
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Daylight saving my sanity

0311daylight, originally uploaded by yumkerun.

This is a picture I snapped just after 7 p.m. yesterday. The brighter afternoons and evenings are very welcome since I have so many mid-week longish runs.

Scheduled for 12 miles today, so after getting home a little early, I set out. I was forced into the city since my trail routes are covered in snow. Which meant I spent a lot of time on roads trying to avoid crowded sidewalks.

As a result, the pace was quite fast throughout. I finished 12.72 miles (about 20K) in 1:40:19 with an average pace of 7:53 miles or 4:53 kilometres.

Needless to say the rest day helped. I'll do a nice 5 mile recovery run tomorrow morning.


  1. Keep it up! And I hear you on the daylight savings. Now we just need some warmer weather and for some of this snow to melt off.

  2. nice run. You barely have any snow down there. we've got the white stuff piled up everywhere out here in the boonies.

  3. I hear ya, I was so tired of the 5 p.m. darkness.... even if there is still some snow on the ground we had an awesome day here 10°C and sunny! I smell spring!!

  4. It looks like it's warming up... Is this winter almost over yet? It's only days to spring!

  5. Anonymous8:36 AM

    nice pix
