
Sunday, March 16, 2008

Flying Pig Marathon: 7 weeks to go

Wow, seven weeks left! I guess the 12 week program goes by really fast. One month until the taper.

Okay, so this week, the mileage was right up to expectations. It was, surprisingly, the highest mileage week I've done since the week ending Sept. 16 last year.

Here's the tale of the tape, so to speak

Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 12.7 miles
Wednesday: 5 miles
Thursday: 11.3 miles
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 18.66 miles (30k)
Sunday: 5K race / 3.1 miles (PR at 19:31!)

Total weekly mileage: 51 miles (82K)
Year to date: 431 miles (693.5K)

This week's schedule is a partial step back. There are a few key workouts, including my first scheduled V02 Max and my first marathon pacer of 12 miles.

Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 5 miles recovery
Wednesday: 10 miles with 5x1000
Thursday: 12 miles
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 6 miles recovery with 6x100
Sunday: 15 miles with 12 at pace

Total miles: 48

I may revise it to:
Monday: 5 miles
Tuesday: 12 miles
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: 6 mile recovery (morning)
Friday: 10 with 5x1000 (In DC)
Saturday: 15 with 12 at pace (In DC)
Sunday: Rest

This schedule gives me two hard runs on Friday/Saturday but I think I'll have plenty of time to recover after. I may also just switch my pacer for Friday since I have the day off. Decisions, decisions.

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