
Sunday, April 13, 2008

Flying Pig Marathon: 3 weeks to go

And... the taper begins. This has been quick, hasn't it. I put in my 23 miler today and I'm feeling pretty good. No major injuries or nagging pains. The weather has been cooperative so i've been getting the good runs in. My attention now shifts to the details about the Flying Pig Marathon. It includes a 3.5 mile climb in the first 6 miles of the course. It also starts at 6:30 a.m., which calls for an entirely different eating schedule. My 4:45 and 5 a.m. runs are proving to be good training for that. I'm very excited for the marathon, but like I said at the outset of this training program, I'm not looking for a massive breakthrough, but I would like to target my potential time. I wanted to use this marathon as experience and as a race to run consistently without hitting too much of a Wall. More on that, I suppose, in the next while.

This is the week that was:

Monday: 4.1 miles
Tuesday: 10 miles
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: 10.4 miles with 4x1200
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 5.4 miles
Sunday: 23 miles

Weekly mileage: 53 miles (85K)
Year to date: 633 miles (1019K)

The week ahead

Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 8 miles with 5x600
Wednesday: 5 miles
Thursday: 4 miles with 6x100
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 10K (supposed to be tuneup race but i'll do some speed work, maybe 5x1000)
Sunday: 16 miles

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