
Sunday, April 06, 2008

Flying Pig Marathon: 4 weeks to go

Less than a month to go till marathon day, and it's coming fast. I did my 17 miler today on sore legs. I actually stepped up the pace in the last half, partly because I wanted to get it over with, and also because another runner came along side me and we chatted for a bit while the pace was going good. Ended up doing the long run 17.08 miles at an average pace of 8:17 miles/5:08Ks in 2:21:33.

I've been spending the rest of the day on my feet and hoping to rest these sore legs. Here's the week just past:

Tuesday: 11 miles
Wednesday: 4.5 miles
Thursday: 7.5 miles (5x600)
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 5 miles (8K race)
Sunday: 17 miles

Weekly total: 45 miles (72K)
Year to date: 580 miles (934K)

This next week has my last big long run, but the weekday schedule has already started to slacken. A few weeks ago, I remember doing two 12 milers during the weekdays. Now it's a bit more manageable, finally. I do have more trackwork scheduled and my long run will be in DC. I think I'll try to push it beyond 20 miles.

Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 5 miles with 6x100
Wednesday: 1o miles with 4x1200 V02Max
Thursday: Rest
Friday: 10 miles
Saturday: 4 miles
Sunday: 20 miles


  1. Woohoo taper time is right around the corner!!

    At the race on Sunday, I talked to someone who did The Pig marathon 3 years ago and who will do it this year too. He said its a GREAT event, one of his favorite despite the challenging course! I'm sure you'Re going to have a blast there =)

  2. So fast, this taper has come way too quickly.

    I'm looking to have fun at the Flying Pig. I'm thinking that with the hills I should not be to aggressive about setting a PR but to enjoy the experience and try for a consistent marathon..
