
Monday, April 07, 2008

Woo hoo, a Canadian running magazine!

I was at the expo at the Around the Bay 30K a few weeks ago and I saw this booth. Couldn't believe my eyes. We now, fellow Canadian runners, have a Canadian magazine. I've subscribed to Runner's World for years and I pick up Running Times from the stands. I also have a bookshelf full of books, training guides and other running related stuff, but all of it is (not surprisingly) focused on U.S. running. Nothing against that, but it's nice to see we have some CanCon.

Craftwise, I think it's well written. It has a nice profile of Danny Kassap, who many in Toronto probably know of -- it's written with nice flair and just enough details and story telling. They profile the Running Maniacs (a good move, cause online fosters a huge running community). I know every mag does gear reviews (like shoes) but i'd rather that space be dedicated to stories, but alas, that's what advertisers pay for in the long run. The first issue has a profile of Ron MacLean (nice touch guys) and a column by my ex-CBC coworker and many-time Boston marathoner Peter Hadzipetros. It's also edited by The Joggler, Michal Kapral, a fine runner in his own right.

Future stories I'd like to see them do: A real long-ass profile of Ed Whitlock (who I spotted in Hamilton at ATB), a opinion piece/story about why Canada doesn't have a huge big-city marathon (hint, look at the Toronto marathon wars), training strategies for fall marathons based on where in the country (crazy climates, we have) you live, a capsule review of every big race, an Olympic preview and a look perhaps of some of the up and coming young talent. Then again, maybe something us average runners can identify with as well!

So grab it, support it, subscribe to it. As a journalist, and also a former one-time independent magazine publisher, it's freaking hard to get started in this business. There thousands of us runners in the Great White North. I see runners all over my trails and I think there's enoughof us to get this magazine a -- er -- running start.


  1. I picked this up a few weeks ago. Nice interesting start to the magazine. I'd like to see if they can maintain that level of quality. There's also another magazine called iRun. (there's got to be a Apple trademark infringement there) Their first issue is next month. They're giving away free subscriptions when you register for a Mississauga event.

  2. Now, that's funny... because I've known about this magazine for months now and just never posted on my blog about it!! There is an article about my online running groups (

    Fun to read and see some Canadian content. I've decided not to renew with Runner's world!
