
Friday, May 02, 2008

Pigs flying everywhere

I'm in Cincinnati. That's right, pigs are hogging all the attention. This projection is in my hotel lobby. 

The hotel is right beside the expo so I picked up my swag: a bag, a poster, a nice t-shirt.

Also hit the Asics area for branded pig merchandise. They ran out of small jackets but I bought a hat, a shirt and a pullover.

The Clif pacers were there and I met my 3:20. He's going to - thankfully - take the hills slow. His aim is to do the first half in '100 minutes' and the second half a little faster. Chris paced the 3:10s last year. I'm getting good vibes.

So now I'm eating a potbelly sandwich (appropriately) and waiting for more of the convoy to arrive.


  1. yay! have fun on race day. I will be missing out on the fun even though I am registered. Too much going on. I'll have to really try and make it next year though

  2. Exciting!! Cute pink pigs! Good luck on Sunday Kenny! =)

  3. Have a great time and enjoy the race!
