
Saturday, July 12, 2008

Now comes the fun part...

I'm a good 10 miles away from completing this 'peak' week in which I'll log 70 miles for the first time. I have about 4 weeks in the next few months that I'll reach 70 miles. Boy that's a lot of running.

Last night, a few friends had me over and I drank a few more beers than I had wanted to. I was home after midnight and had a few glasses of water. There was no way I was going to get up too early as I'd rather get a few more hours of sleep rather than get an early run in cooler weather.

I was out of the door just after 9 a.m. and planned to run two 10 mile out-and-back segments -- run 5 miles out, come back and repeat this. But three miles in, I decided to run as far as I could so I ventured way out west (from Spadina and Queens Quay all the way out past Kipling on Lakeshore, for those familiar with Toronto.) I ended up running out for 9 miles, back 9 miles and complete the last three with a loop around the neighbourhood.

It was a little humid but not that hot. I really tried to keep the pace nice and strong. I know these should be long, slow distance runs but I really want to see better paces than my other long runs. Ended up having a few tough miles. I didn't have enough carbs with me and felt dehydrated by mile 14. Must hydrate.

So 21 miles done in 2:46:08 paced at 7:54. Average heart rate at 157 bpm. Very happy with the pace. Kept the heart rate at the 150s range until about mile 16 after which I turned up the pace a bit and found my heart rate in the mid 160s. A bit high but I was giving more effort.

Tomorrow brings a 10 mile race, the Nissan 10 miler. I took a nap and fuelled up after the run. I think i'll get plenty of sleep from now till tomorrow morning so i'll be well rested. Goal setting? If I were to do the race at marathon pace, I'll hit 1:12:30. If I do the last 5 miles at LT, then i'll knock off an extra minute. So goal is sub 1:13 and if it's a good day, 1:11 and change.

Here are the splits:
1. 8:28
2. 8:11
3. 8:04
4. 7:56
5. 7:48
6. 7:53
7. 8:04
8. 8:02
9. 7:56
10. 7:56
11. 8:01
12. 7:52
13. 7:53
14. 7:42
15. 7:54
16. 7:53
17. 7:55
18. 7:36
19. 7:32
20. 7:46
21. 7:30


  1. Wow under 8 min/mile for you LSD! That's awesome Kenny!!

    I wish you good luck for tomorrow! I still have fond memories of last year's race when I first meet you, Jelly and Francis! =)

  2. That was a kick-ass kind of 21-miler... I realize it's a bit too late to suggest to switch the 21 miler to Sunday... but here it goes anyway: w/u of 3 miles... race the 10-miler and eight miles of 'c/d'
