
Sunday, August 10, 2008

The 22 miler

A whopping twenty two miles or 35.4 kilometres was on the schedule. Was not looking forward to it in some ways. The first six miles, my calves were tight so I stretched them out for a minute or so. It felt much better. I tried to keep on a faster pace but I didn't feel like testing myself until the second half. I brought two gels with me (which I took at the 8 mile mark and also at the 17 mile mark).

At mile 13, a runner came alongside me and we got to chatting for about three miles. We upped the pace and by the time we said bye, I felt pretty good, so I upped the pace even more. I started the run doing 8:08 to 8:18 miles but by mile 16, it was down to 8:05. Not sure if the Gatorade and gel was making me feel too good, but I dropped the hammer and logged a strong last six miles for the most part speeding it up: (7:50, 7:46, 7:49, 7:41, 7:39, 6:58). Twenty two miles done in 2:57:07 with average pace of 8:03 miles or 5 minute kilometres. Not half bad.

Was the perfect weather -- a little cool -- for a long run. Fourth of five 20+ milers is now int he books. Mission accomplished.


  1. Wow! Impressive finish Kenny! You're in tip-top shape!

  2. Way to go! It cooled off a bit here too today which was much welcomed! Keep up the fantastic training!

  3. Thanks! Next big test is 30K at marathon pace.. that will be very interesting
