
Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Ouch this one hurt. Two and a half loops of the track. Very cool morning, a little wind and the sun was out. Perfect for intervals. Today called for 6x1000.

Here are the stats

1. 3:51 (average: 169 bpm, max: 176)
2. 3:51 (174, 183 bpm)
3. 3:52 (177, 186 bpm)
4. 3:54 (173, 183 bpm)
5. 3:50 (174, 183 bpm)
6. 3:52 (174, 185 bpm)

For the first three, I took 90 second jogs but as you can see, the third 1000, my heart rate was spiking and I was tired so I took longer recoveries for the last three. I did most of the laps a few seconds faster than I should have, given my 5K PB is 19:30 and it called for 3:54 1Ks.

I just looked back at a few other 1000 metre intervals I've done in the past

This is from September 2007.
1. 3:57 182 max bpm
2. 4:05 182 bpm
3. 4:05 187 bpm
4. 3:57 188 bpm
5. 3:58 189 bpm
My heart rate spiked on this one and I was running slower than I did today. That run there was a lot of traffic on the track so I was a little ansy.

This is from March 2008
4K: 3:56 (6:21 mile pace)
5K: 4:50
6K: 3:52 (6:14 mile pace)
7K: 5:05
8K: 4:03 (6:32 mile pace)
9K: 4:59
10K: 3:54 (6:16 mile pace)
11K: 4:54
12K: 4:00 (6:26 mile pace)
These five kilometres were done with one kilometre recovery jogs.

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