
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Dress rehearsal

Key workout of the week is done, the 'dress rehearsal'. Schedule called for 7 miles with two miles at marathon pace, just so you can get a feel for the speed. It's also great for testing out your gear and other things.

One thing about marathons is that I stack up my RaceReady shorts with all my fuelling needs. So I stuffed five ClifBar gels and my one pack of Clif Shot Blok (margarita with 'cramp buster' formula -- in other words, salt). I filled up a small fuel bottle with Gatorade. I finally figured out how to tie my shorts tight cause I spent the first few miles of last marathon trying to keep my shorts on!

Put on the old pair of shoes, the singlet I plan to wear and my hat. The plan was to run about 3 miles at MP as a result of a recommendation I got here. I ran 1K of warmup and launched right into it.

Details on Garmin Connect

Marathon pace is 4:30 kilometres.

1K 4:24
2K 4:32
3K 4:27
4K 4:29
5K 4:28

Not bad, was able to click off fairly consistent kilometres after a too fast first kilometre. Gonna massage with The Stick later tonight. I'm sure it's partly in my head, but yes, my old shoes do feel a little flat. They are definately more comfortable than the new ones. I may wear my new ones to the office tomorrow to see if they break in a bit more with daily use. I think I'll make my shoe call on Friday after doing a few short runs Thursday and Friday.


  1. Kenny - Man, you have worked so hard! You do not want one of the few things you can control in a marathon to derail ALL of that hard work. The old shoes are definitely a no-no. As for the new ones, and being that you are prone to blistering, do not sound much better. My $0.02 is that you go out and buy the model that has worked for you ASAP; there is still time to break them in.

    Regardless, GOOD LUCK!!!

  2. OK-I'm interested in this as my shoes have even more miles. Do you really think it is possible even with the identical pair to go the full distance without issues? Seems to me that the older shoes are the lesser of two evils. Mine also feel a bit flat but that may be mental. Yes we're encouraged to replace every 300-500 mile s(and you're within that) but would shoes with 600 miles really fail?

  3. I carry a lot of stuff on marathons, and have learned that weight matters. I like to carry, in addition to emergeny stuff like a headband and stretch to fit gloves and a tube of vasoline, state quarters that I give out later to friends as momentos (Colorado quarter to son born in Denver, VA quarter to son born in Charlottesville, etc.). For my MCM I had a camera, about eight quarters and a cell phone, and I immediately discovered that all that stuff caused my fanny pack to bounce or my shorts to fall off. I ran 26 miles clutching much of that stuff in my hands. At another spring marathon at which it unexpectedly started snowing wetly as soon as the gun went off, the emergency stuff came in handy (gloves, earband) but the water made my shorts drag down. By the end my waterlogged shorts were tied so tightly around my waist by the drawstring that I had an ugly painful abrasion encircling my middle for two weeks. I discovered this in the shower as soon as the water hit it for the first time. Yow! Good luck at Army! And MCM!

  4. Thanks! Hm, I'm going to have to rethink the shoes. I'm going with comfort.

    The new shoes I ahve is the same model as my old one. The old oneis just a little more broken in. I'll try the new pair again. Maybe i'll try a slightly thinner sock.. maybe that'll help...

    Mark, I think they have def. lost cushioning but i think you'll have to go with what's comfortable.. any slight discomfort over 26 miles will probably result in blisters galore
